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18 March 2019
Start your own medieval battle with this one

Comienza tu propia batalla medieval con este

If you ever find yourself involved in a medieval siege of any sort it’s imperative to not forget your catapult.

It throws rocks, it throws flaming rocks, it throws random junk and even sometimes overly eager knights to ensure the success of your “negotiations” with the enemy.

These days the odds of finding yourself in the middle of the siege are pretty slim but don’t let that stop you from carrying a catapult around.

You never know when you might need one.

Egyptian Catapult - Wooden 3D mechanical model kit. No glue or cutting required Construction set


Order this one and start your own medieval battle

Or check out the list of Wood Trick's models and find your perfect wooden mechanical model.

Read more from Wood Trick's Blog:

- Oil Derrick - One of the most complicated Woodtrick's wooden mechanical model.

- Do you ever dream to be a pilot? Here is your chance to make your dream true!

Also, read the previous article from our Blog.